General stimulant that increases vigor and energy.
The Nomad Vomica is a general stimulant, making the birds more alert. Likewise, it stimulates the appetite and therefore, improves the general condition of the bird.
Carnitine is an amino acid that provides an immediate source of energy that is used by all tissues, particularly muscles, thus increasing the vigor and resistance of roosters.
One tablet every third day, two weeks before the day of the fight.
- The roosters are more alert and willing.
- It increases appetite, improving nutrition, so that training is more effective, being the roosters more vigorous.
- It is the only product on the market that contains Carnitine, a
powerful source of energy available immediately.
Dry extract of Nux Vomica 2.0 mg.
Carnitine 50.0 mg.
Excipient cbp 1 tab